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6 Flavours of food you never knew existed


Food companies are constantly experimenting with interesting flavours to cater to the tastes of billions of different people and what you may find easily in one part of the globe may be absurd to think of in another. So here are 6 of the weirdest flavours of food by relatively well-known snack companies that you never knew existed.

Wasabi Kit Kat

You’ve heard of wasabi peas and wasabi flavored chips, but I bet you didn’t know about wasabi flavoured Kit Kat! This is a limited-edition flavour of Kit Kat all the way from Japan and is very popular among wasabi lovers. It is sweet to taste while giving a kick of spice and flavour from the wasabi.

Grilled shrimp Pringles

This is definitely one of the weirdest Pringle flavours in the world. It was sold in Japan as a limited-edition flavour and is in demand among Pringle collectors due to the unusual graphics on the can. It certainly has an interesting taste, with hints of garlic and Thai flavours, but also has an unusual appearance, being the same shade of shocking pink as the can it comes in!

PB and J soda

Peanut butter and jelly is a deadly combination, which we all know about. You have probably even tried it in a sandwich, a cupcake, or maybe even as an ice cream flavour. But ever heard of PB and J soda? Yep, it exists and is one of the rocket fizz soda company’s many strange flavours.

Cucumber Lays

Honestly, this was the last flavour I was expecting to find while researching for this article.Of all flavours, why cucumber? It just seems so random. This flavour came to China recently, when the flavour department wanted to come out with a bland vegetable flavour. It was between cucumber and iceberg lettuce!

Blueberry pie Oreo

Just the thought of this flavour makes my mouth water. Oreo plus blueberry pie? Yes, please! This cookie consists of two graham cracker-flavored cookies stuffed with blueberry-flavored crème. It tastes like a blueberry muffin and may be used as a crumble in other deserts.

Raspberry coke

Raspberry coke, originally introduced as a flavour in New Zealand, is now generally hard to find and is considered a rare collectible. It has a delicious taste of raspberry and may be found at select burger king outlets in the UK.

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