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Uplift Your Mood :)


Updated: Apr 30, 2021

Feeling sad for no reason, demotivated, low, and non-productive? Trust me we have all been there. This is why today we are here with some quick and easy tips to help you instantly get into a happier and more positive state of mind.

1) Take a shower- Simply hopping into the shower for a quick two minutes can do wonders in helping you feel happier. A nice hot shower gives you time to think, feel fresh, and awake, and overall can have a huge impact on making your mood ten times better instantly. If you want to take it a step further, go ahead and play music and sing along at the top of your lungs. This really helps you let out your feelings and you will step out feeling much better for sure.

2) Tidy Up your surroundings- As much as you may want to procrastinate cleaning, tidying up your workstation or room can help you feel so much more organised and put together. Even though the process may seem boring, the result is what eventually matters and this one step can genuinely give you the feeling that you can get any work done.

3) Change your Workplace- One of the most important things is that your workplace should always be away from your place of rest. Working on your bed or couch may seem very appealing but ends up with you feeling sleepy and tired all the time. Working and studying on a desk, study table, or dining table can help you be way more productive. It is also important that you do not sit at the same spot and work all the time because then your brain will build a negative approach to that area and will make you not want to work. Therefore it is very important to keep changing your study and work area.

4) Workout- Even though this may seem extremely dreadful, working out is actually one of the best ways to get you to feel happier and more energetic. It gives you the feeling of having conquered something and working hard. It is also something you can do at any time of the day at your convenience and doesn’t really even require much equipment. Workouts can be of many varieties- dance, Zumba, yoga, swimming, cardio, just choose whatever suits you best. Just put on some upbeat music and sweat your problems away!

5) When you are running short on time: breathe and count- If you don’t have much time at hand and want a quicker solution, deep breathing and counting is the way to go. All you need to do is close your eyes, try your best to empty your mind, and slowly count backward from 100 to 1 or maybe from 50 to 1 at a constant pace while taking slow deep breaths. Even though this technique may sound so simple, it works like a charm and pumps up your mood instantly.

6) Watch a movie or TV show- if your work is already done and you still feel low, books, movies and TV shows always have your back.

7)Have a snack or drink-making yourself a cup of hot chocolate, a tall glass of lemonade, or a sandwich is always a great way to lift your mood.

8) Pause and play- take a break from work and blast your favourite tracks! This is a guaranteed solution to a dull and monotonous day. Listening to music reduces stress and can your body's post-stress responses, so when nothing else appeals to you, this is the way to go.

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